Love him or hate him, Taylor Sage, or TSage as many call him, has been a breath of fresh air in the mountain bike scene for nearly 20 years. He's raced XC and downhill, he was a main builder at the infamous Hidden Valley trails, he's filmed for multiple New World Disorder movies, dug at Rampage for Kyle Strait and Cam Zink, helped keep MTB real with the 2Six Stallions, films and builds with Brandon Semenuk and so much more. Oh, and he's not on Instagram.
Enjoy the show with a living legend who's all grown up now...sort of.
Show Contents
0:00 - Strava, Lopes and Racing XC
5:43 - MTB history
9:18 - Meeting Kyle Strait
14:40 - Building Trails and MTB vs BMX
27:54: - Mike Hucker Clark
30:36 - Zink, Strait, 2Six Stallions, Filming for NWD
39:51 - Robbie Bourdon's Broken Neck
47:23 - Film, Digital and Battling The Collective with NWD
50:47 - 2Six Stallions vs The Bicycle Rockers
52:53 - Sage is Unmarketable and Being Blind in One Eye
1:04:36 - TSage and Cam McCaul Saw a UFO
1:12:50 - Losing His Index Finger
1:28:15 - No Social Media
1:41:29 - Camera Gear, Semenuk, Editing Process
1:48:42 - The Future and Reflecting on the past
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