La Massana
World Cup Downhill
Round Budget

2024 Downhill Mountain Bike World Championships is here! The racing schedule of World Champs has Juniors racing on Thursday and Elites on Saturday. Vital Fantasy will be broken into two separate games as a result.
There are separate Junior and Elite Fantasy games this week.
To be eligible for the prizes, you must play both.
- Junior Fantasy Game is closed. - Results
- Elite Fantasy game will open on Thursday as soon as Junior results are tallied and that game is closed.
- Elite Fantasy Game closes Friday, Aug 30 at 11:59pm PST.
- Junior game has a budget of $350,000, Elite has a budget of $650,000. Rider prices are adjusted accordingly.
- Junior and Elite race points are combined to determine Top 5 Fantasy prize winners.
- DOUBLE POINTS are awarded this week for each race. Fantasy points remain based on the World Cup system. Example - Junior win is worth 60 points at the World Cup which would award 120 Fantasy points this week. An Elite win is 250 at the World Cup and would yield 500 Fantasy points.
- Playing only one of the two games will still earn points toward a player's overall Vital Fantasy score.
Vital World Champs Forum Discussion
Vital Fantasy Forum Discussion
Thanks to SRAM, Troy Lee Designs, FSA and Maxxis for the awesome prizes!